📅 23/05/2024     -     LIVE WEBINAR     -    11AM (GMT) ⏰

The GA4 Clinic

Have your GA4 questions answered by our technical SEO specialists!

It’s been nearly a year since the sunsetting of Universal Analytics, and the move to GA4! Since then, digital marketers have been grappling with the new platform - trying to understand the changes and take advantage of the new features.

For over a thousand of you, our GA4 Training Video helped to do that.

It’s been a difficult process, and for many people one that is still very much ongoing… which is why we’re back to help - introducing, The GA4 Clinic!

Fill out the form below to register your free place! 👇

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What will the session include?

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Setting the scene

Nearly a year on from GA4's introduction, we'll take a look at what's changed in that time, as well as what's still likely to change/improve as time goes on!

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Solving common issues

The move from UA to GA4 has caused plenty of issues! We'll take a look at the common ones we've encountered with our clients and explain how to solve them.

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Over to you

The main purpose of this session is to answer your queries - so the majority of the time will be doing just that! Pre-prepared or on the day, our experts will be on hand to solve your issues.

"During the transition between UA and GA4, the team at The SEO Works were extremely helpful for our business. Their expertise was evident from the outset and throughout the process, bringing our account fully up to speed and eliminating any issues we were experiencing."

- The Medical Educator -

Introducing the experts 👋

Charlotte Wilson

Charlotte is one of our SEO experts, who has run much of our internal training on Google Analytics 4.

She is a Senior SEO Account Manager, and featured in our highly downloaded 'GA4 Training Video'.

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Jack Adair

Jack has 8 years of Digital Marketing experience and is an SEO Account Manager at The SEO Works.

He is also a valued member of our experienced specialist technical team.

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